Co-authors of skript

Fragments from each of these co-authors writings are found in the blog.  Each author has entered into the collaborative writing process of skript. Sitting with Jane or Vida they evoke their embodied experience of moving, watching, being as dancing-writings.

Jane Bacon
Vida Midgelow
Dick McCaw
Shona Powell
Laura Jade Klee
Ashleigh Giffith
Collette Sadler
Raul Calderon
Vaatu Kanayki
Cin Mond Kong
Matthias Sperling
Maggie Smith
Nikki Disney
Karen Walsgrove
Emile Walsgrove
Ben Watts
Sam Harris
Shamiso Sithale
Louise McDowall
Uni Shafir
Jana Tischkaj
Gemma Collard-Stokes
Cosby McCloy
Amy Voris
Michael Vaughan
Hannah McBrien
Lotti Nichol
I-Ying Wu
Rachel Emmett
Paul Burns
David Stewart
Ros Crisp
Chris Pole
Mark James Hamilton
Pedro de Senna
Susanne Martin
Jo Scott
Alan Watkins-Groves
Kate Sicchio
Sharon Scanigha
Paul Russ
Becky Bailey
Lisa Spackman
Isabella Pek
Renate Braeuninger
Simon Jones
Beverley Hood
Carl Lavery
Vicky Hunter
Alan Duffield
Ann Nugent
Jo Blake Cave
Lisa Renshaw
Anne Nazari
Maureen Sutton
Chris Brinded
Rodugo Penalosa
Katye Coe
Jess Ashley
Florence Peake

1 comment:

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