Skript 160313: While sitting in Waverley building, Nottingham (UK)
so I am more
careful with choosing my letters, fingers stuttering on keyboard, finding their
way in unknown territory, as if improvising the words, the keyboard a new field
of grass to lie on a place for us to be anew
in the grass i find my feet i roll and laugh, and i and
i and we could sprout
or we could bloom blow and my
shoulders could become wider about right now wider and more open, opening my
shoulders i feel the breath begin to flow and the space behind my back is full
of voices and it braces my thoughts into the screen. yes, braces my eyes into
the screen, i smell smoke, hear voices, feel the cool air on my arms and yet i
feel you present here with me, feel him standing next to you…...
The corner of the eye,,, the feet in the eye to my right tight .
write. write? they shift. drawn to the eye to my right,,, i note the way in
which my body sides just a little to the side… the side to the right. where is
the fun in writing? question! ? mark can
i find the fun in the flutter of my heart boom boom boom yes yes yes doom doom
domm and i feel like singing. laaaaaaa laaaa.
the rise in the chest as the air in drawn in .. and
haaaaaaaaaaaaa dropping exhaling.. failing and sailing … the wind in the body
bidy body… l feel the sails full… expanding as I consider them. them. em. hm hm
hm with a breath from the nostrils
smiles cheekbones
and eyes meeting for milliseconds. and in the moment… the eyes meeting … i
notice the gaze upon the keyboard and upon the screen.. drawing in like a
hoover sucking up the dust from the floor
words as dust dust
patterns upon the screen drawn like moths to the light.
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